My service offerings are simple. You will email me the vehicle you are looking to purchase (new or used) and I will give you my opinion on the vehicle, in terms of the value for the vehicle and what you should ideally be paying for. Should you decide to continue with my services and want my assistance with helping you purchase a vehicle, I will charge a fee for my services. My services will include:
1. Shortlisting potential vehicle sales in accordance with my market analysis
2. Going to inspect and test drive the vehicle (includes my vehicle inspection services). This step is optional, you can inspect the cars for yourselves to save on fees.
3. Assisting you with bargaining for the best price for the vehicle.
My philosophy is to save you as much money as I can. I like to identify as a bargain hunter and sometimes it spills over to my desire to help others as well. I am a believer of value for your money and this is what separates me from auto brokers. I have no hidden intentions. Some auto brokers have deals with other dealerships to bring business and they get a portion of the profits made. I don't have any of those connections nor do I want any. I don't charge an arm and a leg for my services. I do this because I want other people to make informed decisions at an affordable cost. You do the work, you save the money!
Contact me with your desired car preferences. Exact make, model and trims will make the process a lot faster. I will shortlist ones that are in the GTA and within specified expectations and choose which ones to view in person
a) Second hand car purchases - You get to utilize my mobile car inspection services as part of the process to gain a better understanding of the vehicle
b) New car purchases – I will assist you with setting up test drives at dealerships.
I will help you negotiate prices that will save you the most money possible. I won't be afraid to tell you what you might not want to hear - the lowest price might not be within your expectations.